Monday, February 25, 2013


Good afternoon world, I just have to blog about this real quick.....

Mannnnnnnn Im too sick with us men playing ourselves with being SUPER thirsty online...YES fellas u are supposed to interact with women but there is def a way to do it and be TASTEFUL and RESPECTFUL.

I def dont want any of us to be featured on ( yes this a real website ) posting in a girls inbox 10-15 times and she aint responding or hounding a chicks pics with "Likes" and Thirsty comments, but we are doing it to ourselves. If she dont respond after the FIRST time  : KEEP IT MOVING BRUH!!!!!!

Maybe its a mental disorder, maybe we dont care, maybe we really think she will really respond if we are persistent enough. WRONG

so the NORMAL hierarchy goes : 

1) Interest in the lady
2) ATTEMPT at convo ( you lucky if she respond )
3) Get to know her better/make good convo
4) If the vibe is right ask for the number
5) Date or whatever you choose to do as grown ups

DO NOT GO STR8 for the THIRST KILL . Here are some common examples of the THIRST KILL :

2) DAMN U FINE/SEXI/CUTE/ETC - u showing thirst off the top
3) OH U GOT MAN ? U CANT HAVE NO FRIENDS?? - disrespectful and thirsty bad combo
4) ASKING FOR THE NUMBER OFF THE RIP - u already showed her ur thirsty, why would she give u her NUMBER?? think about these things...
5) LIKING ALL HER DAMN PICTURES ON FB AND IG. - Gahhh damn Bruh, have a glass of water

Fellas I promise u will have much more success if u just cool out and be original. I hope this thirst comes to an end soon. Ladies help us out and start POSTING all instances of thirst. I BET dudes will chill out. Ima give it a name : CYBER - THIRST

The video below is an example of Extreme Cyber- Thirst....lets get our pride back fellas!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ignorance aint bliss......

“Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance." - Confucius

Before reading this remember :

1) ALL young black males are not ignorant
2) ALL young black males are not LOST

Now that we got that out the way lets dig in.....ignorance is at an ALL time high among us young black males. We disrespect our women, leave our children to be raised by single mothers, give away our freedom for fast money, amongst many other things.

Now I'm not here to change the world just to share a quick thought and prospective on this matter that plagues us and hopefully others will do the same

I feel as though our job as young black males is to be LEADERS in anything we do because we have ALWAYS been strong we just don't use our strength in the right ways. We are supposed to lead with examples and be role models to the upcoming youth, So where did we go wrong??

Why has the thought of  poppin bottles, models, and mollies taken over our culture? What happened to young black males wanting to be like MLK or Malcolm X and not 2chainz ?

What makes us so IGNORANT is the fact that we don't realize how far we could get as a culture if we had more young black males helping each other and upcoming youth rather than destroying each other. No one is perfect but it doesn't hurt to advise a young black kid to do something positive with his life.

TOO many young black men are dying in the streets, being locked up, and not supporting the children they had a hand in making..Are we that selfish and ignorant that we don't wanna change for the better?