Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My lite thoughts today of LIFE....

Hello people...I appreciating you reading (as usual) we are gonna deviate away from relationship talk and get into life..

As we all know, this thing we are doing is called "living", which is derived from the root word life. Life is a complex and touchy subject that encompasses any and every subject. Nobody really knows why we are here, what were are really supposed to be doing, or what we really are supposed to do after. What we DO know is that LIFE IS TOUGH, and full of daily struggles...We are all constantly facing struggles of all natures and kinds and sometimes we get down and feel that there is no hope, but of course, there is..

Everyday we face issues that they don't know how to solve..we are ALL searching for answers and resolutions on a daily... What is inevitable is that, we ALL struggle with SOMETHING in life but how we handle it determines a lot of things such as character, morals, etc. For example if you are broke, you need to work harder, not steal . This, in turn, will build a good work ethic.

As for people who are less worried about funds and just want to be happy (which is the hardest thing to attain) , we have to dig deeper and figure out WHY we are unhappy before we search for things to make us happy. For some reason, a lot of people turn to other people for happiness and they find that it is temporary OR it isn't real at all. Now for the small percentage of people who have something REAL, I applaud you..Happiness is a luxury of life; it isnt given to you, you cant buy it, and when u THINK you have it, it can be taken in an instant...but we must learn to keep our heads up and keep pursuing..

I think A LOT and i want to inspire others to do the same and write about it..and people who know me the best know this...but I have yet to figure out a perfect formula to finding happiness and figuring out life..maybe happiness is never fully attainable...I know what happiness isn't tho:
1. sleeping around
2. talking to a lot of (females/males)
3. disrespecting females
4. getting every girl number we see
5. having money
6. drinking
7. smoking
8. anything else stupid that subs for REAL happiness

so search for real happiness and be more MENTAL....and that goes for me too, i cant give advice if i don't live by it...

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