Monday, June 15, 2009

Why I feel lot of relationshsips dont work..part 1

Hello world...if you are reading this THANK YOU...and if you like it pass it on to someone else because u NEVER know who may need a few enlightening here we go...

Nowadays, relationships come and go like the seasons. Men and Women cheat, lie, manipulate, and abuse (mentally, physically, emotionally) each other...all of these negative things can turn something sweet very sour..but lets look a little deeper into the problem of unsuccessful relationships BEFORE the mis-steps I just listed..

For starters most (people) go wrong because they look for what they WANT in a mate rather than what they NEED in a mate. Wanting to be with someone who possesses the qualities YOU need can be tough because that person may not fit your wants in the looks department, etc. Wanting to be with someone based upon looks, financial stability, or status usually leads to the destruction of the relationship because you cant build a good foundation and find love in those things... Its like building a straw house; it may look nice and all but its eventually gonna cave in when the weather gets ugly..

Problem #2: LACK OF COMMUNICATION. THIS IS A BIGGIE!!!!When people are in relationships that are not established with good communication , they usually fail. When an arguments or tough time occurs the female usually wants to talk it out BUT the male constantly uses the phrase "i don't know" or is silent. This is because most men have not been put in the position to HAVE to communicate their thoughts and feelings therefore don't TRULY know how to. We find it hard to truly communicate our feelings because we deem our selves to be the "less emotional" partner, which is not true tho. We are very emotional and it only truly shows when we feel threatened in some manor. Men need to be more in tune with our emotions and be honest and open, sounds weak but it is necessary. Both partners need to establish OPEN communication and be able to calmly talk about any subject, be it good or bad....

I only TOUCHED LIGHTLY on this subject....

well that's enough reading for one sitting people...part two coming soon....

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