Wednesday, July 22, 2009


from :

re⋅al⋅i⋅ty  [ree-al-i-tee]
–noun, plural
1.the state or quality of being real.
2.resemblance to what is real.
3.a real thing or fact.
4.real things, facts, or events taken as a whole; state of affairs: the reality of the business world; vacationing to escape reality.

per⋅ception [per-sep-shuhn]
1.the act or faculty of apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding.
2.immediate or intuitive recognition or appreciation, as of moral, psychological, or aesthetic qualities; insight; intuition; discernment: an artist of rare perception.
3.the result or product of perceiving, as distinguished from the act of perceiving; percept.
4.Psychology. a single unified awareness derived from sensory processes while a stimulus is present.

Now that I got the definition part out of the way...lets dig in...Hello people, if your reading this,thanks!!!!!!...I been busy working and dealing with we all have...lets go...

REALITY, or whats REAL. is something like a lost art, it seems as if lying and deception is what a lot of people have become good at these days, we all know this. And with the loss of REALITY comes in the perception after the deception...

"Reality vs. perception" sounds SOOO deep but it not, we all deal with it in some form or fashion on a daily..most don't even think about it and if we do we cant really distinguish wats real from wat fake anymore...most people are living in a perceptive world, meaning they truly believe in their minds that they are "real" and whats around them is also....this is SURELY not even close to being true....

The best case of this battle is with relationships...a lot of women have the perception that their men are faithful and do not lie to them, cheat, talk to other females, blah blah blah..... when in fact the reality of the situation is that their man is doing all those things and a ton more that he shouldn't be doing and lying about doing them, no pun intended ...oh and lets not just down us men....the same goes for women...y'all are some sneaky creatures..A lot of y'all can have a squeaky clean image (perception) but really be jumpoff's (reality).

so to keep this blog short and sweet....i have comprised a list of common "reality checks"...maybe people will listen:

1. If you are deceiving your gf/bf realize that if you were REAL with them, they wouldn't be with you...which means you don't deserve them anyways

2. If you lie to males/females to make them like you more , then your giving off a false perception...which means they PROBABLY wont like the real you wen it comes to would be a liar in their eyes, among other things...not good...

3. If you are around here lying about ur gpa, it just means you aren't as smart as you thought you more.....

4. If you are claiming to be a thug in college, stop....thugs do not go to college....just stick to your books and leave the "college thug" image alone.....

5. If all you talk about is "haters", quit....your prolly just trying to cover up the fact your a hater yourself....but its no big deal, we are ALL haters in some way...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

tomorrow is not promised.....

Hello world...I have not written in a while cause you been WORKING hard....but anyways, REST IN PEACE to all the people that have passed on to the next life in the recent weeks, even days...From Kirwin K., a young man who hd a bright future, to MJ, the king of pop....we miss you all and we wont forget you...

But with these recent events we need to focus on the bigger picture: life is short and we can go any day now. We need to stop all the hatred and and abuse of each other and actually come together and appreciate and respect one another.

We need to keep all the people we hold dear CLOSE; mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents, etc. DO NOT TAKE YOUR FAMILY FOR GRANTED!!!!! Make room in your life to spend time with your family and keep in touch with them no matter what...we should not have to wait till someone dies to miss them or see them. We ALL need to make a better effort.

LET PETTY GRUDGES AND BEEFS GO!!!! beef is stupid and pointless anyways, we are grown now...of course no one wants to be disrespected BUT as adults there is always a higher road to handling issues..we need to learn to use our mouths for peaceful resolution rather than tongue lashings. Fighting doesn't solve anything, hating someone doesn't solve anything, so we need to learn to control our anger and just LEARN from every situation we encounter..

We also need to start seizing each day and appreciating LIFE. We all complain about our daily struggles and how unhappy we are BUT we could all be in a lower place or in a cemetary. We need to appreciate the fact that the Lord let us live to see another day to even go thru these struggles. Life isn't easy, as we all know, but just know it could be much worse in the blink of an eye...

LAST BUT NOT LEAST...can we PLLLEASE, PLLLEASE, PLLLLLLEASE stop hating on each other and worrying about how someone else is living..if you don't like the way someone is living, that's cool you are entitled to your opinion...but downing them wont get you anywhere..Ima tell yall a secret yall prolly didnt know: EVERYONE HAS HATED IN SOME FORM OR FASHION, be it openly or in our on lil sneaky way.. Learn to inspire people in a positive way and just live and LET live....

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My lite thoughts today of LIFE....

Hello people...I appreciating you reading (as usual) we are gonna deviate away from relationship talk and get into life..

As we all know, this thing we are doing is called "living", which is derived from the root word life. Life is a complex and touchy subject that encompasses any and every subject. Nobody really knows why we are here, what were are really supposed to be doing, or what we really are supposed to do after. What we DO know is that LIFE IS TOUGH, and full of daily struggles...We are all constantly facing struggles of all natures and kinds and sometimes we get down and feel that there is no hope, but of course, there is..

Everyday we face issues that they don't know how to solve..we are ALL searching for answers and resolutions on a daily... What is inevitable is that, we ALL struggle with SOMETHING in life but how we handle it determines a lot of things such as character, morals, etc. For example if you are broke, you need to work harder, not steal . This, in turn, will build a good work ethic.

As for people who are less worried about funds and just want to be happy (which is the hardest thing to attain) , we have to dig deeper and figure out WHY we are unhappy before we search for things to make us happy. For some reason, a lot of people turn to other people for happiness and they find that it is temporary OR it isn't real at all. Now for the small percentage of people who have something REAL, I applaud you..Happiness is a luxury of life; it isnt given to you, you cant buy it, and when u THINK you have it, it can be taken in an instant...but we must learn to keep our heads up and keep pursuing..

I think A LOT and i want to inspire others to do the same and write about it..and people who know me the best know this...but I have yet to figure out a perfect formula to finding happiness and figuring out life..maybe happiness is never fully attainable...I know what happiness isn't tho:
1. sleeping around
2. talking to a lot of (females/males)
3. disrespecting females
4. getting every girl number we see
5. having money
6. drinking
7. smoking
8. anything else stupid that subs for REAL happiness

so search for real happiness and be more MENTAL....and that goes for me too, i cant give advice if i don't live by it...

Monday, June 15, 2009

Why I feel lot of relationshsips dont work..part 1

Hello world...if you are reading this THANK YOU...and if you like it pass it on to someone else because u NEVER know who may need a few enlightening here we go...

Nowadays, relationships come and go like the seasons. Men and Women cheat, lie, manipulate, and abuse (mentally, physically, emotionally) each other...all of these negative things can turn something sweet very sour..but lets look a little deeper into the problem of unsuccessful relationships BEFORE the mis-steps I just listed..

For starters most (people) go wrong because they look for what they WANT in a mate rather than what they NEED in a mate. Wanting to be with someone who possesses the qualities YOU need can be tough because that person may not fit your wants in the looks department, etc. Wanting to be with someone based upon looks, financial stability, or status usually leads to the destruction of the relationship because you cant build a good foundation and find love in those things... Its like building a straw house; it may look nice and all but its eventually gonna cave in when the weather gets ugly..

Problem #2: LACK OF COMMUNICATION. THIS IS A BIGGIE!!!!When people are in relationships that are not established with good communication , they usually fail. When an arguments or tough time occurs the female usually wants to talk it out BUT the male constantly uses the phrase "i don't know" or is silent. This is because most men have not been put in the position to HAVE to communicate their thoughts and feelings therefore don't TRULY know how to. We find it hard to truly communicate our feelings because we deem our selves to be the "less emotional" partner, which is not true tho. We are very emotional and it only truly shows when we feel threatened in some manor. Men need to be more in tune with our emotions and be honest and open, sounds weak but it is necessary. Both partners need to establish OPEN communication and be able to calmly talk about any subject, be it good or bad....

I only TOUCHED LIGHTLY on this subject....

well that's enough reading for one sitting people...part two coming soon....

Friday, June 12, 2009

Why are women so heartbroken???

well well well, this is my first post in a while. It seems like we have a MAJOR problem these days that I want to LIGHTLY to address. A LOT OF WOMEN ARE HEART BROKEN. WHY?? (MOST) men have deviated from treating women right. WHY?? well (she) would NATURALLY say because men are "dogs" and we (men) "aint shit" but when we dig DEEPER into the reasons and rational, there are sooooo many different reasons men don't do right that i could go on forever.

SO ima be honest, I'm not gonna put me and all men under the bus on this one either.The grim truth is that: EVERY MAN HAS HIS OWN REASON FOR THE WAY HE TREATS or DOESN'T TREAT A WOMAN!!!!This is SOOOOO detail specific that us (men) even break it down to the individual woman. Some men are naturally disrespectful ,rude and cheat, while some of us have been MOLDED that way by peers, surroundings, college, etc. MOST of us have the POTENTIAL to be that "good guy" every girl wants but we don't want to reach that potential because WE DON'T HAVE TO. Females allow us to have what we want, where we want it, and when we want it WITHOUT a commitment or working thus devaluing themselves in our eyes and not giving us an incentive to do right or even do better. truth sucks, along with reality.

Just to be honest with my ladies, if u (the typical sexually active female and lovin it) have, what i like to call "PRE-PAID effortless sex" with a guy (which includes but is not limited to : no commitment, no dates, no work put in, no understanding, no strings attached) 9.5 times out of 10 he is NOT gonna want to be with u and if he DOES decided to be with u he will more than likely cheat because he has NOTHING to look forward to with u, u already gave him what he wants. This is very sad to me but women need to be more aware of how a man's MIND works rather than how good he can stroke....

my next blog will be more uplifting for the ladies...because yall need to be empowered and enlightened and y'all need to LISTEN..if y'all listen to me then we ALL can win and y'all will know what to expect and not be hurt at the end of the day..

i realized in my years of living and learning that no matter how beautiful you are(male or females) there is someone out there that will disrespect u, shit on u, cheat on u, mistreat u, etc, ask HALLE one is exempt